Consulting Services

Consulting services Oxytis consultants have performed hundreds of assessments and forensic examinations across all commercial industry verticals and have also powered the security services of some of the top security vendors providing thousands of private disclosures and some public such as Expedia and Prosper Marketplace.
  • Our Experience
  • Security: Offensive security. Cloud, network, and application assessments
  • Ransomware: Negotiations and payment facilitation for decryption and recovery
  • Incident Response: Forensics (exfiltration, provenance and manner of compromise)
  • Cyber: Digital investigations and privacy
  • Consulting: Special requests, research and solutions

Red teams and penetration tests merely apply already practiced known attack strategies and demonstrate the most recent post-exploitation attack.

  • Published
  • Experienced
  • Public disclosures
  • Privacy focused

The Powertrain Pro assessment approach blends only the important pieces of various security strategies into one consolidated assessment with an advanced analysis providing actionable value to tell you not what you already know but rather, what you dont.

  • Published
  • Experienced
  • Public disclosures
  • Privacy focused