Digital Forensics & IR

A forensic plan will...

- Identify an external forensic firm and negotiate the terms of a master service agreement
- Guide how an investigation will be handled and determine what is needed to facilitate a faster response, investigation, and final analysis
- Address the organization’s internal procedures (breach plan, containment plan, and incident response plan)
- Highlight methods for collecting evidence to ensure that valuable forensic data is preserved before a system is remediated and put back into production

When shipping an artifact to the lab

- UPS only
- Bubble-type wrap or medium density foam packing
- Do not use packing material such as styrofoam/peanut

Contact Oxytis for any digital forensic investigation and for shipping address to our lab.

Additional guidelines to consider

- If worried about losing data, encrypt
- If worried about hardware loss or damage, insure
- If worried about losing the only copy of critical original evidence, image onsite
Look at what type of issues are involved in the case. For general commercial disputes and garden variety ransomware, a logical image collection should be acceptable to the requesting party. Explain the fact that performing a logical collection versus a physical collection will preclude forensic analysis in the event some attorney client prefers to put into place an agreed order or stipulation with the requesting party upfront before any collection occurs.

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