Oxytis (οξύτης for "acuity")

About Us

Today's security vendors offer the same services, adopted the same approach, and provide about the same value.

  • Our Experience
  • Why Us?
  • Our Approach

Hundreds of forensic examinations performed. Numerous vulnerability disclosures. Over 20 years experience.

  • Published
  • Experienced
  • Hundreds of private disclosures, some public
  • Privacy focused

Red teams and penetration tests merely apply already practiced known attack strategies and demonstrate the most recent post-exploitation attack.

  • Published
  • Experienced
  • Hundreds of private disclosures, some public
  • Privacy focused

The Powertrain Pro assessment approach blends only the important pieces of various security strategies into one consolidated assessment with an advanced analysis providing actionable value to tell you not what you already know but rather, what you don't.

  • Published
  • Experienced
  • Hundreds of private disclosures, some public
  • Privacy focused

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